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HCI International
22 - 27 June 2014, Creta Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
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Learning and Collaboration Technologies
Learning and Collaboration Technologies
Indicative topics/keywords of the broad spectrum of issues to be addressed:
Computer supported collaborative learning
Computer assisted language learning
Technology enhanced learning
Collaboration technology in problem based / inquiry based / project based/ blended learning
Technology-rich interactive learning environments
Collaboration and learning in co-located and networked learning spaces
Design and evaluation of collaboration technology
Social media, social networking and learning
Mobile and/or ubiquitous learning
Surface computing and learning
Collaboration technology and informal learning
Personalization, user modeling and adaptation in learning technologies
Recommender systems for technology enhanced learning
Collaborative knowledge construction in technology-rich settings
Social processes and learning in teams and communities
Serious Games and 3D virtual worlds for learning
MOOCs, MMORPGs and informal learning
Collaboration technology and vocational training
Collaboration technology and lifelong learning
Digital literacy
Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and learning
User-generated content
Open educational resources
Theoretical models for learning in technology-rich environments
Instructional design and technology
Methodologies for the study of computer supported collaborative learning and / or technology-enhanced learning
Interdisciplinary studies on collaboration technology and learning
Program Board
Program Chairs:
Panayiotis Zaphiris
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Andri Ioannou
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Board Members:
Ruthi Aladjem, Israel
Abdulaziz Aldaej, United Kingdom
John M. Carroll, United States
Maka Eradze, Estonia
Mikhail Fominykh, Norway
Denis Gillet, Switzerland
Mustafa Murat Inceoglu, Turkey
Pernilla Josefsson, Sweden
Marie Joubert, United Kingdom
Sauli Kiviranta, Finland
Tomaž Klobučar, Slovenia
Elena Kyza, Cyprus
Maarten de Laat, Netherlands
David Lamas, Estonia
Edmund Laugasson, Estonia
Ana Loureiro, Portugal
Katherine Maillet, France
Nadia Pantidi, United Kingdom
Antigoni Parmaxi, Cyprus
Borzoo Pourabdollahian, Italy
Janet C. Read, United Kingdom
Christophe Reffay, France
Nicos Souleles, Cyprus
Ana Luísa Torres, Portugal
Stefan Trausan-Matu, Romania
Aimilia Tzanavari, Cyprus
Johnny Yuen, Hong Kong
Carmen Zahn, Switzerland
Last revision date: February 13, 2025 by
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