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HCI International News, Number 69, January 2015


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The HCI International 2015 will be held from August 2-7 Los Angeles, California, USA,



HCII 2015: Important Deadlines

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HCII 2015: Tutorials’ Program

The following Full and Half Day Tutorials (http://2015.hci.international/tutorials) will run from Sunday 2 to Tuesday 4 August 2015:

Sunday, 2 August 2015, 09:00 - 12:30

  • T01 “Mobile Persuasion Design: Combining Information Design and Persuasion Design in Mobile Apps to Change People’s Behavior”
    Aaron Marcus
  • T02 “Design and Adaptation for Cross-Device, Context-dependent User Interfaces”
    Fabio Paternò
  • T03 “Crowdsourcing user & design research”
    Vassilis Javed Khan
  • T04 “A framework of design principles for interface design”
    Martin Maguire

Sunday, 2 August 2015, 14:00 - 17:30

  • T05 “Overview of Human Information Processing for HCI”
    Kim-Phuong Vu, Robert Proctor
  • T06 “Gestural Interaction: techniques, applications and interaction problems”
    Lucio Davide Spano
  • T07 “Cross-Cultural User-Experience Design: Managing Expectations, Preferences, Needs, and Wants”
    Aaron Marcus
  • T08 “Brain neural computer interface and confluence for medical applications”
    Guenter Edlinger, Christoph Guger, Nicholas Anderson

Monday, 3 August 2015, 09:00 - 17:30

  • T09 “Research Methods for Eye Tracking in User Experience Design”
    Jennifer Romano Bergstrom, Andrew Schall

Monday, 3 August 2015, 09:00 - 12:30

  • T10 “Fundamentals of Adaptive Training System Design”
    Robert Sottilare, Anne Sinatra
  • T11 “User-Experience Design in Science-Fiction Movies and Television: The Past 100 Years of the Future”
    Aaron Marcus
  • T12 “Achieving usable IT security”
    Steven Furnell

Monday, 3 August 2015, 14:00 - 17:30

  • T13 “Principles for Designing Interfaces Compatible with Human Cognition”
    Robert Proctor, Kim-Phuong Vu
  • T14 “How You Could Benefit from Using ISO Standards”
    Nigel Bevan
  • T15 “Understanding Interaction for Universal Access”
    Simeon Keates

Tuesday, 4 August 2015, 09:00 - 12:30

  • T16 “Communication Skills for HCI: Listening Effectively to Users of Assistive Technology”
    Lil Blume
  • T17 “Mobile User-Experience Trends: What Works, What's Hot”
    Aaron Marcus
  • T18 “How to Test Software with Users”
    Anna Wichansky
  • T19 “Standardized Usability Questionnaires”
    James Lewis

Tuesday, 4 August 2015, 14:00 - 17:30

  • T20 “Designing for Seniors”
    Ron Baecker
  • T21 “How to: Designing Experiments. Working with Metrics and Human Participants”
    Gisela Susanne Bahr
  • T22 “Augmented Cognition: Achieving Human Computer Symbiosis with 21st century Human Factors Tools”
    Dylan Schmorrow
  • T23 “Practical Statistics for User Research”
    James Lewis

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HCII 2015: Student Volunteers

Sign up to be a Student Volunteer and help us make HCII 2015 a unique experience for all attendants! As a compensation, SVs will receive:

  1. A Complementary Conference Registration, offering access to all open technical sessions (i.e., Parallel Paper Presentations), entrance to the Exhibition, refreshments during breaks, Conference proceedings and one ticket for the Conference Reception.
  2. One Half-Day Tutorial free pass and
  3. An HCII2015 Student Volunteers T–shirt.

Applicants must be undergraduate, Master's, or Ph.D. full time students, regardless of discipline, during the academic year 2014-2015. To be considered as an SV for the HCII2015 Conference, you need to apply online through the Conference Management System (CMS - https://cms.hci.international/2015) by 23 January 2015. An official letter (in English) from your University or School, duly signed and stamped, indicating your current student status, must be presented when registering at the Conference.

Details information about the HCII2015 Program for Student Volunteers is available at: http://2015.hci.international/student-volunteers

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HCII 2015: Poster proposals submission

Poster sessions will accommodate the presentation of late-breaking scientific and professional news or work in progress. For the review process, an abstract of 300 words should be submitted by Friday 20 February 2015, including the essence of the planned presentation.

All extended abstracts of accepted for presentation posters will be published by Springer as part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. Volumes published as part of the Springer CCIS series are indexed by the following services: ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI Engineering Index, Scopus. (http://2015.hci.international/proceedings)

The poster session will take place during the 3 main conference days (5-7 August) and will accommodate the poster presentations using standard poster boards. Authors have also the option not to publish their extended poster abstracts but only present their posters during this session.

For more information about the submission of posters proposals, please visit: http://2015.hci.international/submissions

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HCII 2015: Accommodation

A number of rooms have been reserved to be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, while reduced rates have been agreed with The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, which is recommended as the main hotel of the Conference. For more information about accommodation, please visit: http://2015.hci.international/accommodation

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HCII 2015: Exhibition

You are invited to exhibit at the HCI International 2015 exhibition. The HCI International Conference is an ideal opportunity to exhibit your products and services to an international audience of over 2,000 researchers, academics and professionals in the field of HCI. For more information please visit the Conference website:


The following companies/organizations have already signed up to exhibit:

  • Tobii Technology, Inc.
  • Mangold International
  • Eye Tech Digital Systems
  • Cortech Solutions, Inc.
  • g.tec Guger Technologies OG
  • CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
  • Springer
  • HCI International Conference

Information about the exhibitions of past HCII Conferences, including pictures and exhibitors, is available in HCII New Facebook page.

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HCII 2015 Sponsorship

Sponsorship in the context of HCI International 2015 is a great opportunity to expose your organization to an international audience of about 2,000 researchers and professionals in the field of HCI.

Sponsorship is not limited to financial support, and thus can also take the form of material and service provision. If you are interested in contributing to this international event as a sponsor or simply wish to receive more information, please contact: sponsorship@hcii2015.org

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HCII 2014: Proceedings

Springer published the HCI International 2014 Conference Proceedings in a 27-volume set. Papers appear in volumes of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.

To date, the HCII 2014 Proceedings are indexed by the following services, while more are expected in the near future.

ISI Citation Index


EI Engineering Index


ACM Digital Library


Computer Science Bibliography (dblp)


Google scholar


For more information about the HCII 2014 Conference proceeding, please have a look at:


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Recent News and Articles

“Sony Pictures hack: the whole story,” Engadet.com, December 10, 2014


“What Are MOOCs Good For?,” Technology Review, December 15, 2014.


“Want to influence the world? Map reveals the best languages to speak,” Science Magazine (December 15, 2014.


“SEE IT: Scientists put worm's 'brain' into Lego robot's body,” New York Daily News, December 15, 2014,


“As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep Up,” The New York Times, December 16, 2014


“Innovators of Intelligence Look to Pas," The New York Times, December 15, 2014.


“Artificial Intelligence Isn't a Threat—Yet,” The Wall Street Journal, December 11, 2014.


“Optical Illusions Fool Computers into Seeing Things,” New Scientist, December 11, 2014


“Google Opens Its Cloud to Crack the Genetic Code of Autism,” Wired News, December 9, 2014.


“Neural Network Rates Images for Happiness Levels,” Technology Review, December 3, 2014.


“Lassie Text Home: Pooches Get Technological,” New Scientist, December 1, 2014.


“DARPA Looks to Connect Complex System Security Dots and Wipe Out Malicious Cyberattacks,” Network World, December 2, 2014.


“U.S. Intelligence Wants High-Tech Access to the Most Prodigious Sensor of All: Humans,” Network World, December 1, 2014.


“How Google "Translates" Pictures Into Words Using Vector Space Mathematics,” Technology Review, December 1, 2014.


“Reinventing the Internet to Make It Safer,” The New York Times, December 2, 2014.


“Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind,” BBC News, December 2, 2014


“What Is Computational Linguistics?,” Guardian (United Kingdom), November 21, 2014.


“Linguistic Mapping Reveals How Word Meanings Sometimes Change Overnight,” Technology Review. November 23, 2014.


“Apple and Others Encrypt Phones, Fueling Government Standoff,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2014.


“Researchers Announce Advance in Image-Recognition Software,” The New York Times, November 17, 2014


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Upcoming Conferences and Events

***** January 2015 *****

12-14 Jan., 2015: BCI 2015 — 3rd International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, High 1 resort Korea.


29-30 Jan., 2015: Translation in Transition Conference, Germersheim, Germany.


***** February 2015 *****

9-11 Feb. 2015: ICSC 2015 — 9th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Anaheim, CA, United States.


11-13 Feb. 2015: PhyCS 2015 — 2nd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, Angers, France.


***** October 2015 *****

26-28 Oct. 2015: ASSETS 2015, Lisbon, Portugal

The ASSETS conference is the premier forum for presenting research on the design, evaluation, and use of computing and information technologies to benefit people with disabilities and older adults.


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Call for Papers: Big Data Analytics, Special issue of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Guest Editors: Jouni Markkula, Marikka Heikkilä, Christopher Westland, Zhangxi Lin, Jukka Heikkilä


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About HCI International NEWS

The HCI International NEWS is a newsletter that contains information about the HCI International 2015 Conference, book reviews, news from the field of HCI, as well as links to interesting articles and conferences. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to make a contribution, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem (news@hci-international.org). The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

How to contribute to HCI International NEWS

We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send to us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem (news@hci-international.org).

Previous Issues of HCI International NEWS are available online.


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